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Young Football Quarterback Prepares To Throw Football

ProCom's X12MR
Helmet ReceiveR

A True Helmet Receiver, Not A Walkie Talkie Strapped To An Arm

X12MR - Size Chart and XFL FCF Logos
X12MR Mini In-Helmet Receiver
X12MR Mini In-Helmet Receiver

The X12MR Mini In-Helmet Receiver turns your X12 coaching headset into an every day practice tool. Fitting securely and comfortably inside of the helmet, the X12MR allows a position coach to talk directly to their player(s) with no interference or cross-talk. Coach pre-snap, during the play, and post-snap. Trusted by coaches around the country, including the pros, the X12MR is the future of football coaching.

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Click Below to Explore the Rest of the X12 Product Line

Coach Dunn of Carl Albert High School

"Best headsets on the market... no wires, no boxes, no problems. Affordable and made by coaches. Can't beat the new LoudMouth Sideline Comm System and the X12MR Helmet Receivers for practice! Thank you, ProCom!" - Coach Dunn, Carl Albert High School, Oklahoma

Carl Albert Alabama High School Titans Logo
Full Football Stadium Render


The X12MR Mini In-Helmet Receiver is the perfect practice tool. In the illustration below, you can see each position coach talking to only their players, both starters and backup, simply with the press of a button. The head coach also has the ability to page all coaches and players at once.

X12MR Paperclip Size Comparison

Mini Helmet Receiver 1.5" W  x  3"H

Ideal for:

  • Spring Practice

  • Summer 7 on 7's

  • Camp Installs

  • Game Day Communications (where permitted)

ProCom Game Clock Controller Prototype

When Coach to Player is permitted, we are ready!


The ProCom X12 Game Clock Controller is ready for when Coach to Player is permitted. It provides automatic control of when the coach is permitted to talk to the player and can be customized to whatever the conference permits.  Connects to standard play clock for automatic control, or can be controlled with a remote switch by the Play Clock Operator. *


Extreme Close-Up of Football

Let's Talk

SportsCom - 59 Green Hedge Lane, London, Ontario, CA N6H4Z3
ProCom Headsets developed in the USA by Westcom Wireless, Inc.

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