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HS-45 Render (6) copy.png
X12 Belt Pack - Left Facing 2.png

X12 Belt Pack with
HS-45 Headset

X12A Render (2).png

X12A All-In-One

ProCom's X12 platform is the trusted two-way communication system for companies in many industries all over the world. Features like top-of-the-line noise cancellation software and hardware, military-grade encryption, industry-specific programming and virtually zero set-up make the X12 the premiere choice for practically any scenario. With ProCom, you're not getting walkie-talkies -- you're getting the pinnacle of two-way radio technology with the features, the functionality and the support your company deserves.


Other Headset & Hardware Options

Heavy Duty Headset Removable Hard Hat 1.png

Heavy Duty

Hard Hat / Helmet Headset

loudmouth main splash 1.png


Two-Way Comm System

Discreet with mannequin head copy.png

Discrete Mic

In-Ear Earpiece

Mini Helmet Receiver with updated sticker.png


Individual Mini Receiver

aio hard hat 11.png


Hard Hat Compatible Design

SportsCom - 59 Green Hedge Lane, London, Ontario, CA N6H4Z3

ProCom Headsets developed in the USA by Westcom Wireless, Inc.

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